Neha Kakkar got everyone swooning with 'Second Hand Jawaani' (Cocktail), 'Dhating Naach' (Phata Poster Nikhla Hero) and 'London Thumakda' (Queen), thanks to her unconventional voice and effervescent avatar.The vocalist, who gave her first hit with music composer Pritam, has collaborated with him again for 'Tukur Tukur' , which features in Shah Rukh Khan's recently-released film. The superstar's ardent fan says, "I was so crazy about him that I even did a song for him called SRK Anthem. When I recorded 'Tukur Tukur', I didn't know it was for his film. I'm over the moon."
The petite singer is also excited about her new single, 'Car Mein Music Baja', written and composed by her brother Tony Kakkar. She claims, "It has recorded lakhs of views online within five days of its launch." Though Neha has a flair for peppy songs and 'Manali Trance' (The Shaukeens) is her favourite track, she admits she wants to experiment with other genres. "During 'Sunny Sunny' (Yaariyan), Honey Singh told me that my voice is like sex. Dance numbers suit my voice, but I've also done two Punjabi songs, 'Hanju' and 'Akhiyan', in the soft space," she elaborates.She showed her dance moves, too, in the single, 'Wedding Da Season', alongside Shilpa Shetty Kundra. "I'm thankful to producer Bhushan Kumar for giving me this chance. I wasn't supposed to dance; but when choreographer Ganesh Acharya saw me perform, he was surprised," smiles the artiste. She was also the first to shoot a selfie video three years ago with her song 'Bottle Khol'. "At that time, it was a rare phenomenon. But I was delighted after 'Aao Raja's selfie video became successful," she signs off.
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